Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Liebster Award

I was so surprised and honored when Gabrielle at a dabbler's journal told me last Tuesday that she had nominated me to participate in the Liebster Award! It is awarded to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers to give smaller blogs a better chance of being discovered and read. Liebster Award nominations on other blogs have introduced me to some of my now favorite blogs, so I was already a huge fan of the scheme. Then add in the fact that, according to Gabrielle's research, 'liebster' means 'dearest' in German, and I think this award scheme is one of the cutest ideas around.


  • Link back to the blogger who nominated you (Gabrielle at a dabbler's journal).
  • Answer the eleven questions the blogger gave you.
  • Nominate other bloggers (of an undefined amount--as many or as few as you'd like).
  • Create eleven new questions for them to answer.
  • Notify the new nominees of their award.

What book do you wish you had written?
Oh, that's tough.  I should probably say something about one of the great literary classics I love.  But instead, I think I'm going with Little House on the Prairie.  It was my absolute favorite book (and series) growing up, and as a child, I always fervently wished I could travel back in time and get to live like Laura Ingalls Wilder did.  If I had written the book...I guess that would mean I was Laura...and would have lived through the experiences.  I also toy around with the idea of writing a children's book someday, and I would love to be able to write with such childlike simplicity.

What's your opinion of Pinterest?
What a good question!  So I actually really like Pinterest.  I don't pin all that often, but I've gotten some really good ideas there for new recipes and ways to do my hair (as it has gotten really long and I haven't been able to have it cut!).  I also use it sort of as a pick-me-up or re-inspiration place.  So most of my boards are full of images of beauty and quotations resounding in truth that I turn to when I'm feeling a bit low.  All that said, I think it's really important to remember that Pinterest is not an accurate representation of real life.  I read a fantastic article a few months ago on one of my favorite websites reminding us to keep Pinterest in perspective.  You can find it here.

What three words would describe you?

This one has taken me the longest to answer. I guess I would have to say hardworking (because I'd really rather be working than relaxing, as unhealthy as that probably is), anxious (because I do tend to worry about everything, especially in an attempt to avoid offending or upsetting others), and cheerful (because I think I do view the world and life in a more upbeat way than some others do).

How did you name your blog?

I named it after St. Therese of Lisieux's "Little Way" in the hopes that I might follow her footsteps to heaven. I've loved and really identified with everything she wrote and said about the "Little Way" ever since I first read about it.  You can read more about what she means to me and why I named my blog what I did on the "About the Blog" page above.

Do you like brussel sprouts?
I try really hard to, and I eat them even though I'm not the biggest fan of them.  The only time I've ever had brussel sprouts and genuinely enjoyed them is when my mother roasted them in olive oil with onions and a bunch of other vegetables.  But regular old boiled brussel sprouts?  Not exactly at the top of my list.

What is the quality or virtue you most admire in your best friend?
My best friend has so, so many good qualities that it's hard to choose.  I think, though, that I would have to say her laugh. She has a great laugh that makes me want to join along and also helps me see the humor in everyday situations. It's a great encouragement to remember not to take life too seriously all the time.

What myers-briggs temperament are you?

To be honest, I didn't have a chance to take the quiz again, and I just took it a year ago.  (I have a very vivid memory of sitting around our common room late one Friday night and marveling with my roommates at how creepily accurate the test and our descriptions were.)  If I'm remembering correctly, I think I'm an INFJ.

Which book in the Bible is your favorite?
Another hard question!  But I would probably have to say the Gospel of John.  It's written so poetically, which means a lot to this literature teacher.

If you could learn to speak any language, what would it be?
Definitely French.  First of all, it's such a beautiful language, and second, it would be so helpful when traveling.  I had the option to take French in high school but opted for Spanish instead because I thought it would be more practical, especially as a future teacher. I don't regret taking it, but I do wish I had taken French as well...

What was the last book you read?
The last book I finished was Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens, but it took me an embarrassingly long time. I started and finished a couple of other novels between the time I started and finished Nicholas Nickleby including Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) and Summer (Edith Wharton). Just because it took me six months (yes...six months...) to read Nicholas Nickleby doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, though! I thought the characters were hilarious, and the plot was entertaining.  The nice thing about Dickens is that since he wrote in serial form anyway, it is actually possible to put it down for a week and pick it back up without forgetting anything.

Do you like or dislike meeting new people?
Well, it completely depends on the situation.  I like meeting new people in very small groups of one or two. So meeting a friend of a friend for tea? Yes. Meeting all my new co-workers at once? NO.

  1. If you could have been born in a different era, what year/decade/era would you choose?
  2. What is your favorite fruit?
  3. What is your favorite way to pray?
  4. Do you prefer routine or spontaneity? 
  5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  6. If you could spend the afternoon with one fictional character, who would it be, and why?
  7. Are you a cat person or a dog person? (Or neither??)
  8. What was your favorite subject in school?
  9. Do you play any instruments?
  10. Do you prefer mountain scenery or the ocean?
  11. Do you always sit in the same part of the church for mass?


Elizabeth at Sincere Simplicity



  1. I loved reading your answers! I've only had brussel sprouts roasted, not boiled. I don't think I'd like them very much boiled! That article from Verily was very good. :)

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! They were fun to write. And yes, I LOVE Verily. They always have really thought-provoking articles :)

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for nominating me! :D I'm so excited! I just now found out I had been, haha! I hope you enjoy my answers as much as I did yours! :) God bless!

    1. Ahhhh Elizabeth, I'm so sorry!! That's my fault. I made a mental note to let you and the others know I had nominated you and then somehow forgot about it! I'm really looking forward to reading your answers later today when I get a chance! God bless you too :)
