Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday Teatime: Ten Books

PLEASE don't feel pressured to watch this whole video. Asking someone who makes her living talking about books to talk about ten books is a recipe for a veeeeeeeery long video. 

But as always, I'd be honored if you watch any of it, and I'd be even happier if you join in the conversation!! (You have so many options: comment on Clare's blog, comment on my blog, make your own video...you know you want to do the last one......)

Question: What ten books represent you best?

Many of these really require more explanation than I could give them in this video - especially the ones that have to do with my faith or with Catholicism as a religion. I think, therefore, that I'd like to write a separate post on each over the next couple of weeks. So if you hear me say something that strikes you as odd such as 'The Taming of the Shrew taught me about marriage' or 'I choose the Catholic life of joy, not of rules' (to which I imagine you'd respond 'Shouldn't it be about both, Libby?') just hold on a couple of days and let me explain myself.

Happy Tuesday, everyone :)

Note: I just re-watched this video and realized I imply that only Christians believe in God, which I certainly didn't mean to imply. I know that people of other faith backgrounds believe in God as well. I should have said that I needed to find someone who believes in Christ as God.


  1. Loving the Teatime videos! :) And all your book choices are amazing, by the way! :)

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth!! I'm loving making the videos, and this was probably my favorite question so far. Have you given any thought to which ten books you'd choose?? It's really rather difficult! God bless <3

    2. Libby, YES! I have been thinking about it and I'm probably going to do a little post on it on my blog! :) It was terribly difficult, but I've narrowed it down.

    3. I think you and I have similar taste in books, Elizabeth! I just wandered over to your blog and really enjoyed your post. You've given me some new ideas! :)

    4. So glad to hear it! Thanks for reading! :)

  2. Hello, Libby!

    I must say that I love your teatime videos! Thank you so much for sharing your ten book picks. I usually give each teatime question some thought, even though I don't always find the time to leave a comment with my answer.(Actually, I think I have only commented one other time, and it was on Clare's blog!)This one was really hard. I have so many books that I love and that are special to me for different reasons. But here goes:

    1-The Bible ( I am really enjoying the Knox translation)
    2-St. Andrew Daily Missal (Mine is a reprint, and contains the prayers of the Latin or "extraordinary form" of the Mass and all the readings of the daily Masses from the old calendar. The Latin Mass is very important to my family and me.)
    3-The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin (Kind of like the Divine office, and quite an old devotion. I love to pray the prime and compline when I can. So many beautiful prayers.I switch between reciting them in Latin and in English.)
    4-The Hidden Power of Kindness, by Fr. Lovasik (This book is just amazing)
    5-Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott (I loved this book so much when I was young.)
    6-Outlaws of Ravenhurst,by M. Imelda Wallace (My mother read this aloud, and I also read it myself many times. It inspired me so much as a young teenager.)
    7-Little House on the Prairie series ( My mother also read these aloud many times, and I loved them so as a child)
    8-The Most of P.G. Wodehouse (Most especially his story entitled "Goodbye to all Cats" I have never laughed out loud so hard while reading a book. Ever. When I am feeling down, I will often reach for Wodehouse. Love his humor.
    9-The Lord of the Rings ( another that I have read many times and find so inspiring!)
    10-The Complete Fr. Brown, by G. K. Chesterton. ( I really do love Chesterton, and his Fr. Brown stories are very special to me.

    Sorry my explanations are so short, and really so inadequate. But it is really late here and I really need to get to bed!
    May God bless you!

    1. Aw, thank you, Kate! I love that you enjoy watching these (sometimes very scattered) videos as much as I enjoy making them! Thanks for joining in - I loved reading your list. I've actually been curious about the Fr. Brown series for awhile because I only just learned that G.K. Chesterton wrote fiction; I only knew of his works on theology and apologetics! Now that I know you've enjoyed the books, I'm even more determined to find them and give them a try :)

  3. I really liked how behind each of your books was a story of your personal experience with it; it was definitely worth a 16-minute video! Will you write a post on The Taming of the Shrew? It's one of Shakespeare's plays that I've wanted to, but never read, and I'd love to hear about how it relates to marriage!

    1. Thanks so much, Gabrielle! As I'm sure you could tell, I was feeling a bit bad for making such a long video, so I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I'll definitely write on 'The Taming of the Shrew' at some point...I've just been trying to figure out how to fit it all into one coherent blog post. There's so much to say!! Thanks for stopping by :)
