Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday Teatime: Patience

God knows that there are so many areas in which I need to improve, and patience is certainly one of them. Sometimes, when I feel I'm especially lacking in a particular virtue, I pray about and focus on that virtue for a few weeks, and that is what I'm doing right now with patience. Is there a particular virtue you're working on or would like to strengthen in yourself? I'm curious to know! :)


  1. Libby! Great post! I'm glad you continued on with the Tuesday Teatime. After discovering it last week, I quickly decided to do Teatime Tuesdays, too! (A little bit of alliteration in those last few words! :P) I loved this post! You're so honest in admitting your need for patience. Virtue is so beautiful, but you have to work hard to attain it. God bless!

    1. Elizabeth! I'm headed over to your blog right now to check out your Tuesday Teatime. I'm so happy you decided to join in! Attaining virtue does take hard work, doesn't it?? Luckily, we don't have to go at it alone :)

  2. Thank you for keeping the tea time going, Libby!

    Let's see. For me lately, the virtue I have been thinking and praying about is charity. And I realize that this covers a multitude of virtues "charity is patient, charity is kind" etc. But I am really just trying to focus on simply doing everything for love of Christ. Striving to see him in my children, my husband, all those around me. And I find when I am really focusing on showing my love (whether it be by word, action, or even thought) and seeing Him in everyone, everything else (patience, kindness,etc.) all just falls into place. Not that I haven't failed plenty of times, because I have and I do. But I keep trying. :)

    Well, I must get back to the laundry and the children. And try to figure out what I am going to make for dinner!;)
    May God bless you!


    1. Thank you for watching and for taking the time to comment, Kate! I've noticed that before too, that when I try to see Him in everyone, everything else seems to fall into place. Actually, once when I was struggling with something a few years ago and was praying, the words 'Focus on love, and the rest will follow' came to me as clearly as if He had spoken them aloud to me, and now it's a mantra of sorts that I repeat to myself whenever I'm struggling to get along with someone or to do something I'm supposed to do. But I'm right there with you when it comes to failing and trying again over and over. May God bless you and your family, Kate :)
